Saturday, August 29, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

The 1st Three Weeks

I've been living in Mexico City for three weeks now and it seems like three months!! I have learned so much in this little amount of time and still, there is so much more to learn...I'm beginning to realize the amount of things I took for granted in the states, which here, are all so much more complicated for me. First of all, not being able to speak the language makes things that much more difficult. Getting a cell phone, ordering food, giving a cab driver directions, going to the bank, driving, and not having running water at times are just a few of the obstacles that I have had to overcome in the short amount of time that I've been here. However, in a way, it's a bit humbling at the same time...These experiences have enabled me to be much more flexible, patient, and understanding, and especially be thankful for what I do have.

When I moved here I came with four bags full of clothes, shoes, and toiletries. When I moved into my apartment, I began to realize everything that i wish I should have brought that may have made my life a bit easier. The first night I had my mattress delivered and slept on it in the living room. The next day the furniture arrived and what a good feeling that was!! It started to feel like a home and the sense of ownership was quite invigorating:) I'm learning to live much more simpler and with less "things". However, the one thing I miss the most is a TV. I got so used to having background sound back home, that when it's not on, it's kinda quiet...thankfully I have itunes and internet:)

Since I've been here, I've eaten such yummy food! From the little tacos stands that sell tacos for 20 pesos or the restaurants with tamales, chile rellenos, quesadillas, chilliquiles, and huevos rancheros they are all so tasty. I'm in seventh heaven and I think I'm beginning to put on a few pounds of happy fat:) But who can resist when it's so cheap and so good at the same time!!

I started teaching last Monday and so far I'm really enjoying it. I kinda feel like a little fish in a big pond though. I went from teaching in a K-5 public school in Walnut Creek to a K-12 private school in one of the biggest cities in the world. HUGE transition!! The kids are great and very diverse! I've got kids from Korea, India, Canada, Scotland, Japan, and of course Mexico:) Most of them speak English, and today it was so cute. I was reading them the BFG and the story mentioned frobscottle, which is a type of soda in the story. I asked the kids what other words in their culture meant soda. One said pop, another said coke, and then one boy raised his hand and said refresco! His little accent and excitement was so cute that I couldn't help but laugh:) It's those times that make my job rewarding!

All and all, these past few weeks have been so memorable for me. I know I'll look back on this time in my life and laugh at the mistakes I made and be proud of the accomplishments I achieved. There are still going to be frustrating times ahead, but having support from family, friends, and teachers that I have met make all the difference! I look forward to what lies ahead and hope to continue to blog the experiences...